SMART-Transportation Division Illinois Legislative Board
Our Two Person Crew Bill, Senate Bill 24 (SB 24), passed out of the Illinois House Transportation Committee this week on a 9-4 vote. The next step would be a full floor vote by the House of Representatives probably sometime next week.
Now is not the time to let our guard down, instead we must use this opportunity to make Two Person Crew the law in Illinois. We need every member to take action TODAY by calling their State Representative to ask them to SUPPORT SB 24!
Final passage of this public safety legislation won't happen unless we all take action, and NOW IS THAT TIME! Your State Representative needs to hear from you today because the railroads won't stop in their efforts to kill our legislation, and trust me, they continue to try.
You can use the link below to identify your STATE REPRESENTATIVE and gather contact info for their office. If you need further assistance please call our office at 312-236-5353. When calling your STATE REPRESENTATIVE the message is simple, PLEASE SUPPORT SB 24!